Because we’re optimists at heart here in the H2O Zone, most of the stories in this edition have something of a positive slant – even if you sometimes have to squint to catch sight of it. So, also firmly in the ‘good news’ column is the creation of a new educational hub for the Girl Scouts of West Central Florida, and the efforts made by the Florida Governmental Utility Authority (FGUA) to get young and old alike interested in water conservation and, what’s more, expressing that interest creatively.
Any story about hurricanes Milton and Helene will struggle to seem at all positive, but here, we look at how nature itself could help to minimize the impact of future extreme weather events of this kind. We also look at a story chronicling the huge number of trees that were blown over in Tampa Bay during the hurricanes, which serves as a reminder of the emotional connections people sometimes forge with something as seemingly simple as a tree. While a story about an endangered whale might not seem positive, the response of one Florida community to the plight of the North Atlantic Right Whale is genuinely uplifting, and finally we even found a way of making greenhouse gases amusing (sort of) by linking them to scientific efforts to stop cows burping (yes, you did read that correctly).