The Guardian Global freshwater demand will outstrip supply by 40% by 2030 The world is facing a triple climate crisis and it is vital for governments (and people) to address how they use, misuse and generally interact with our fresh water supplies, cutting waste, reducing pollution and protecting what is a dwindling natural resource.
News Press The Dangers of Excessive Nutrient Pollution Florida’s 440,000 acres of sugarcane are polluting the surrounding lakes they drain into, such as lake Okeechobee, causing toxic blue-green algae blooms.
Sanibel Captiva Florida’s native plants are tougher than they look! Water conservation is one of the most critical issues facing Florida but many native plants have adapted and developed defenses so they can still thrive with minimum care, low nutritional requirements and high tolerance to salt and drought.
OA Online The Art Of Irrigation Landscape irrigation is so much more than just dropping a hose in the grass, it is an art form and a science; balancing the requirements of plants, soil types and environmental factors. Do you know your irrigation needs?
Hoover Blog Technology has transformed how we live so don't work harder, work smarter! With continually shifting weather patterns, knowing how to best care for your green spaces is far from straightforward but with smart irrigation systems you can take some of the guesswork out of the process.
Forbes 7 Ways To Save The Planet One Lawn, Park and Campus At a Time We all love to stroll through green spaces but how do we keep these areas both beautiful and healthy - in the face of record temperatures and rainfall - and the uncertainties of a changing climate?