With heavy summer showers keeping us well-hydrated here in Florida, you may imagine that your irrigation system becomes redundant at that time of year.
But irrigation isn't seasonal here. We need year-round, responsive systems to keep our landscapes at their best. Here’s why.
Residents' tropical expectations
If you’ve lived in Florida for a long time, you’ll have seen what was primarily a tourist destination, evolve into somewhere many more people call home.
Whether that’s the older generation setting up home in one of our many gated communities, entrepreneurs growing a business or people jetting in for a winter break, they expect green, tropical surroundings. And some of them need it – manufacturers reliant on a humid climate, for example.
But, if left alone, our natural arid landscape would fall short of expectations.
The unusual and unpredictable Florida climate
If you're a landscape manager in this beautiful State, you'll be aware we’re actually in a very dry zone here. A huge part of keeping up the health and appearance of your landscape will involve ensuring irrigation systems are working efficiently - from making sure pump stations stay in a state of good repair to checking sprinklers aren't blocked, pipes aren't leaking and so on. Yes, we get occasional heavy rainfall throughout the year but the long, hot and dry spells return quickly. If you're planning on a new or replacement pump station, a good irrigation pump station design, to the right specification for the Florida climate, is paramount.
And because we sit right on the ocean as opposed to being surrounded by mountains, precipitation isn’t consistent across the State – central Florida is well-watered but the coastlines are just the opposite.
Timing isn’t predictable either. Summer showers are expected but, in 2019 for example, Florida saw 15.3 inches of rainfall in August compared to just 4.41, 5.36 and 2.68 inches in June, July and September respectively – not ideal for maintaining the lush landscapes that residents expect!
3. Irrigation is just as essential after a downpour
Irrigation systems don’t just supplement at drier times. In fact, irrigation can be just as essential after a downpour because heavy rainfall causes excessive run-off. That means much of the water becomes ineffective as the soil can’t absorb the dramatic influx.
This is where year-round irrigation comes in.
Phew – our Florida climate is complicated and unique, that’s for sure! And that’s why well-managed irrigation systems – year-round, tailor-made and able to adapt to unpredictable weather – have evolved into more of a need than a want here in Florida. They’re essential to keep delivering the exotic lifestyle our residents crave and the luscious landscapes that’ll boost curb appeal and property value.
It’s all about watering just the right amount when it’s dry and having enough control to stop irrigating when it rains – 24/7, not seasonally. By the way, if you’re not already familiar, smart irrigation systems are a great way to tailor watering schedules and they make a major contribution to today's landscape irrigation needs while playing an important role in optimizing water use.
Despite the best efforts of conservationists and governments, although we are making progress in reducing water use, population-driven water needs such as domestic, recreational, landscape irrigation and power generation are significant. According to the last USGS survey of water use in 2015, water withdrawals (that is, total volumes removed from lakes or rivers) in Florida have changed significantly over the 40 years between 1975 and 2015. If you want to play your part in ensuring this precious resource remains available for all of us, make time to assess your irrigation operation for its efficiency and effectiveness.
We worked with this community to design and implement a proactive irrigation consolidation strategy. This resulted in the replacement of 24 problematic builder-installed pump systems with 10 Hoover Flowguard® pump systems. The community achieved both their key objectives of Variable Speed Control and Automated Pump System Controls, as well as reducing maintenance costs and ongoing irrigation repairs, energy use, sod replacement and fertilizer costs. Read our case study on this smart irrigation project.