For us, it means providing a smart irrigation solution that combines the smart software of Hoover's Flowguard and Hoover's best-in-class irrigation pump station design that can handle a climate which varies throughout the year and across the state, occasionally extreme and often wildly unpredictable. Modern irrigation solutions are designed to cope with all of this and deliver irrigation in an efficient and cost-effective manner. The proof of how effective this can be is all around you in Florida, in the shape of rich, lush, green vegetation and perfectly kept lawns which help to create the ideal ambience for homeowners and businesses alike for 52 weeks of the year. Likewise, you'll see visible proof of poorly implemented irrigation solutions and, or, ongoing poor management.
The idea of irrigation being used to shift water to where people need to grow things is one which has been around since at least the era of the ancient Egyptians, and the modern irrigation solutions, if installed and maintained properly, have taken that idea to new heights. In a state like Florida, where water can sometimes be scarce and at other times overabundant, the right irrigation solution can keep the surroundings looking fantastic at the same time as saving more money than they cost to install and ensuring that all local water usage regulations are adhered to.
Working with a professional, reputable irrigation company means you're more likely to get a solution custom-designed for your requirements. If you're replacing an old irrigation system, one of the first things they'll want to do is carry out an audit of your existing water usage and look at the coverage. For example, look for things like the use of thermal mapping of the ground in question; aerial photography is an excellent way of seeing exactly what condition the landscape is in. A well-executed irrigation audit will establish where you’re wasting water, exactly how much water you need and where it should be delivered and will analyze exactly where any existing irrigation system is going wrong. Whatever they recommend should be based on this audit as well as an understanding of your specific needs - and will maximize the efficiency of your new irrigation solution.
We work on a range of irrigation projects every year - providing irrigation products, services and expertise for any business where a well-irrigated landscape is vital to the success of the business. From commercial and residential properties to sports facilities and stadiums, clients are in complete agreement when it comes to the benefits of a complete irrigation solution.
In simple terms, irrigation solutions often comprise a combination of different pieces of equipment from several manufacturers joined together - for example, the pump station could be designed and built by one company, the filtration system by another - and yet another company will provide the controller(s). It's our experience that when the irrigation pump station, components and smart technology are designed and manufactured as a single solution, it makes for a more efficient and reliable system. Add fully managed, ongoing preventative maintenance and support and you have an irrigation solution that delivers value and dependability every day of the year.
Some water utility companies offer rebates for systems which use particular water-efficient products or methods. Work with your installer and utility company to see if this is something which could save you money. In some cases, this might involve your irrigation being metered separately to allow the utility company to monitor exact usage, although a truly smart system will provide precise statistics of its own.
Speaking of smart irrigation, a programmable system will enable you to control exactly where and when your water is being used, down to the last minute and gallon. Each zone being irrigated can be programmed separately, controlling the number of times a day the plant life there is watered, the times this irrigation takes place and the amount of water applied. Monitors which capture aspects such as rainfall and wind direction can make the kind of small, real-time adjustments which deliver truly responsive irrigation solutions and ensure that not a drop of water is wasted.
The automated nature of modern irrigation solutions may create the impression that they can be left to run without any supervision, but regular monitoring and maintenance is needed to make sure that the system is delivering everything it should be. At the start of the heavy watering season, check for wear and tear of the system, looking for damaged components such as sprinkler heads and any leaks in the pipelines. One telltale sign of a leak or leaks is a drop in the water pressure across the system, so this should be monitored to make sure that it stays within the range recommended by the installers. Regular audits should be carried out ascertain whether specific areas are being watered sufficiently and evenly. Throughout the year screens and filters should be checked for clogging, pipes, valves, nozzles and other components checked to see if they need to be renovated or replaced having become worn or broken and the angle and positioning of sprinkler heads adjusted if it’s found that they’ve shifted to spray sidewalks or buildings.
It's clear there's a lot that can be done to find (or maintain) an irrigation system that delivers efficiently and economically throughout the year by applying a little understanding, vigilance and oversight. If you're embarking on a new project for your company or organization, working with a single source irrigation solution provider can also provide real benefits. Down the line, it's possible to further minimize the likelihood of inefficiencies and wastage or damage to equipment with ongoing irrigation management and monitoring if it's an option offered by your irrigation company.
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